Thursday, June 24, 2010

Realizing who I am...

It's amazing how long it can take for someone to finally "find themself"...I'm ready to give up my search and be who I want to be without worrying what you, You, or YOU have to say about it! I realized, I am KaRita. A lite-skinned, pretty girl who laughs at almost anything, bigg foreheaded, slightly goofy, gets irritated quickly, always wanting new people in her life, girly girl, has rhythm, but still can't dance, country talkin', God fearing, spoiled but not so much a brat, open minded, creative individual. I stare A LOT, I can barely sit still, I'm somewhat secretitive, I'm smart but I hate school, I wish i was about 2 inches taller, I'm not perfect, I'm still shy and I have bigg dreams =) I'm no model [never had a passion for it] but i LOVE models [if that makes sense] I secretly want to be a singer [although I can't sing if my life depended on my vocals] and I want to play in a horror film one day *laughing but serious*...I'm a city type girl who wants to get out of Chicago, I belong in a fast city, but not the hood lol.I love the color Pink, I still have a Tweety Bird room #dontjudgeme, I can draw, and I use writing to express myself. JUST TO NAME A FEW BECAUSE......

I mean, I can go on and on about myself. My point is, THIS IS ME, what you read above is my baggage and I bring it with me wherever I go...I've accepted who I am and what you see is obviously what you get. I can't change my past and I can't be who I'm not. I had to learn to love my flaws and my own dislikes of myself. I'm still in the process of learning what's my purpose in life and I'm still growing/maturing into a wonderful young woman!

BOOP!!! lol

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