Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lately....I've been thinking...

You know what really bothers me that i have absolutely no control see the ones I care about life go down the drain. Well, maybe not their life...but their character. That extra something special that once made them special. It's like, they dnt have it anymore. People change....things change. It's like the person that I once knew has totally disappeared. Like their beautiful soul is gone and all I'm seeing is their hallow shell. And the scary part is that they're not afraid to admit their change, they KNOW they've changed and because of the hurt in their heart, they dnt plan on going back to how they once were any time soon. This really bothers me because I can read people SO well. It's like before they open up their mouths sometimes I know what they're feeling. I feel helpless, like I want to be able to do something, but I can't. I want to be the person who changes their whole perspective of themselves around, but I can't. And what makes it even worse, the one's I'm talking about....don't even speak to me anymore. I don't know if they think about me as much as I think of them. Some may have hurt me, betrayed me or we just slowly fell apart but those are the people I think about and pray for the most.

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