Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I had a dream...

Out of all the dreams I've had about my mother the one I had last night really made me sad! I need a professional dream analyzer because I would like to know what this dream meant or if she was trying to tell me something. I don't know if I believe in people speaking to you thru your dreams but I do know that all dreams do have a meaning. I remember it so clear....

I was walking thru my house with a friend, which so happened to be Lauren London (i LOVE her, lol) and I was walking into my parents room because that was the way to the basement. (according to my dream) as I was walking down the stairs to get to the basement, I heard a voice, it said something on the lines of "Hey, where are you going?"...I stopped and turned around and so did Lauren, then she said "It's some lady in the bed"...I remembered the voice and ran to the bed and saw my Mother's face. And I knew it was her right away. She was bald and kind of small with patches over her breasts (how she looked while she was sick). I ran up to her as she sat up and hugged her soooo tight and started crying and yelling, "Mommy!! Don't ever leave me again please!!" And I just remember both of us crying and hugging each other..........then I woke up.

I wish I could've saw my face when I woke up because I was so confused. But I think I was more sad if anything because I REALLY wish that could happen =( I miss that woman soo much, it sucks!! =( But tears are I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. okay......i suggest you get a book called understanding the dreams you dream by ira b milligan, it is about prophetic dreams from God. do not seek physics or things of that sort for the dream interpretation.but one thing im picking up is examine yourself, your decisions are you doing things on the right path? hence hey where are you going doesnt have to be taken literally, more symbolically. and many times mothers in dreams have representation of different things......get the book!
