Sunday, July 4, 2010

This is AMAZING!

I just came across something I wrote and it's dated March 9th, 2006. Exactly 1 month and a week after my Mother passed away. I'm pretty sure what I wrote was inspired by my Mother's death, but not in a good way! As I look back and see how hurt I REALLY was and everything that was going through my mind, I'm SO happy that I overcame it took time but I can honestly say I'm not in that place anymore. Of course I may have my moods every once in a while, but I don't think it'll EVER be as badd as it once was, I am so proud of myself =) READ THIS....

[my exact wording]
"Deep down inside..... 3.9.06"

Deep down inside, there's a girl who feels rejected, depressed, betrayed and under stress
Deep down inside, she feels clueless, confused, stupid, and unhappiness
Deep down inside, she feels phoniness from friends, backstabbers and all of the above
Deep down inside, she feels hurt and sad so she goes and looks for love
Deep down inside, she knows what's right and always follows her heart.
Deep down inside, she wishes that her and her loved ones will never be apart
Deep down inside, she wants to fit in, make new friends, but at the same time she don't
Deep down inside, she know who's there and has her back and the one's who won't
Deep down inside, she's trying to find the "real" from the "fake"
Deep down inside, she is listening to all the good and bad advice, but don't know which one to take
Deep down inside, she know's what you're thinking and how you feel so don't try to hide
This is ME and how i feel....Deep down inside!

AFTER READING THIS 4 YEARS LATER...I am amazed!Not only by how good of a writer I am =) lol BUT that i ACTUALLY felt this way!! It made me think like "Daannggg, I was really going thru it" but after i think about it, it was not THAT bad!! It couldn't have been that bad, I overcame it and i THANK my friends, family, && God! Back then i was sooooo lost and felt like i lost my ONLY guidance in life (my Mommy) but as i grew up, i realized i didn't =) Wow. is all i can say! And I'm not even ashamed to share this with the world because I KNOW it's girls who feel like this, younger than me, my same age, older than me, it's some people out there who feel the same way. And i just want you to know......IT'S OKAY =) I promise it is! I feel for you and i'll pray for everyone who may be going thru this. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! <3

1 comment:

  1. love it! i remember me and u were goin thru the same stuff with our mothers around this time!! im so happy to see the progress u have made from then to now! u are very strong rita bita!!
