Sunday, March 4, 2012


i hate to post negative thoughts. i always try to look at situations from a positive perspective and hope for the best, but sometimes my positivity isn't strong enough. i'm not about to sit here and pour all negativity into your mind, but i am going to tell you that lately i've been feeling very discouraged. me and my roomie always say that it's "this depressing town" that we live in for school that's causing this discouragement and we just want OUT. which is very much true, but i'm in college....i'm supposed to enjoy, network, be involved, live it up because i'll only get this experience once. but i just haven't been up to it :-/ there's so much that i want out of college that just has not happened for me. i planned to have an internship over the summer, didn't get any one that i applied for. i NEEDED a job last semester & this semester, still don't have one. i told myself i would spend more time building better study habits and actually focus on my school work, i'm finding that so hard to do. i'm sure i'm not alone though. sad part is i KNOW it's something i'm doing wrong. i'm lacking self motivation and i'll admit that. i'm just ready to move on with life. i feel like i'm just STUCK in this same bubble. not many opportunities here and i've over done my welcome here. one thing i try not to do is lose faith in it all. i honestly believe my life will flow how it's supposed to and that God has a plan for me. i'm just praying my plan and His plan is somewhat similar lbs. because it seems like i NEVER get to accomplish what i want out of life. my big dreams/wants ALWAYS get shut down. i try to hold my head high though...but it's getting a little bit overwhelming *sigh* but i'll be okay. that's why i appreciate every little thing/compliment/encouraging words that i receive. makes me feel like i have a bright future ahead of me because if someone else can see my talents/what i have to offer better than i can, then i know i have something special... Love y'all!