Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rest well, my friend.

Hello loves! I haven't posted is so long, I'm beyond past due. I wanted to dedicate my first post in a long time to my friend, Kordero D. Hunter. He was shot and killed inside of a club in Ohio on September 23rd, 2011. Innocent bystander. I've never imagined losing someone that I've known since I was 10 years old. It hurts losing someone who I've been around my whole life. He was one of "the guys"...our high school class of 2008 was VERY close and did EVERYTHING together it will never be the same kicking it with my old classmates and Kordero won't be there, smh. He was the one who got on everyone's nerves, but you couldn't help but love him at the end of the day. Wow, it's still crazy to me and I don't think I'll ever forget him. Wish we could have talked more, especially since everyone was gone away at school. People take life for granted thinking someone is going to always be here...but they're not. Last time I talked to Kordero is when we got into it on Twitter lol, he called me to apologize and say he was just messing with me. I would have never thought that would be the last time we talked. Well Kordero, you're really missed by everyone. Your death impacted us A WHOLE LOT. We love you homie.