Thursday, October 7, 2010

A note to US ladies...

Okay, this just really bothers me and I apologize if it comes out the wrong way....

IT REALLY GETS TO ME when a guy does his girlfriend SO WRONG and the girlfriend knows about it..knows everything. She knows he cheated, he's disrespectful, called her all out of her name, he's a liar...he just can't be committed. And i know things are easier said than done but this is something we all should practice....DON'T SAY IT IF YOU AREN'T GONNA DO IT!! I'm tired of females talkn all this iish like she'S really about to leave dude alone and move on bcuz he "cheated" then 4 days later you back to "i love him and he loves me...going thru this is gonna make us stronger and i know where i stand i'm NUMBER 1 y'all other girls dnt mean anything to him, he loves me and just wanted to f**k y'all" blah blah..u know, something along those words. lol Sorry hunnie but you sound just as DUMB as he is. Or AT LEAST if you're gonna have these deceived thoughts, you dnt have to broadcast it all over to everyone, keep em to yourself so you won't sound like a fool lol but First of all, you shouldn't even consider yourself as "number 1" should be his Only One! He does NOT love you if he treats you like crap or if he cheats on you. Well, maybe with YOUR definition of love...but if you think that's love then you're in for a rude awakening. All I have to say is God is Love; Love is God. And God will NEVER treat you like he does....

I know soo many people who goes thru this and it REALLY gets me upset. ALL of us females have are dumb moments, INCLUDING ME. I've had a lot of them actually lol but I'm trying to get better at it and not go for this bull that most guys give us....You can do it LADIES =) know your WORTH!!!!!! All the pain we go thru with "letting him go" is only temporary....we will be okay =)