Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Watch what You say...

Lately I've just been having this urge to share some words! It's like, the more i learn, the more i wanna tell because it may help someone else out.

Ladies: be careful of everything you tell a man. Ease up on telling him everything you want or once desired. He will only backfire it on you when the time is right. Ever been in an argument with your boyfriend and all he could say was "but you said you wanted this, I did everything you wanted me to such as ________ i gave you everything. I remember you told me you never had _____ so i gave it to you. No one ever did _____ for you so i did it" etc. THOSE are the words that can kill lol. Men know what they are doing and what they are saying. A lot of men use what you said you want against you. Some men will do just that, what you want to keep you around. But a relationship is more than that. Yeah, it may be what you want, but that's not enough all the time. Just because a man does what you want doesn't mean he's not supposed to do that little extra, because that extra does matter. He's not supposed to do what you want him to do just so he can get what he wants. Even I've heard it a few times "You said you never had this, so I gave it to you" And i dnt mean all physical things, I mean things that women want emotionally. And just those small words will keep a woman thinking like "Ohhh yeah he's right, he does everything i want him to do, blah blah" Of course he's going to do it because if you NEVER had it that's all he has to do to keep you around, he just has to say a few words no one else has said to you, and most of the time he doesn't even mean it. SMH. This is soo sad because ALL of us women have went thru this but you won't realize it at first. Just be careful of what you tell a man you dnt have to tell him everything you want because he's going to do it for you, or get it for you, or take you there just because he knows that'll keep you. But when your stuck thinking like "something's missing, I want more out of this" most of the time he's stuck too and dnt know what to do to help keep the relationship strong because he only knows what to do to keep you.....if that makes sense =)

That's advice to all relationships, it could go for friendships too. But of course, unless you're someone who just WANTS things out of someone then this won't apply to you because you're using them anyway lol so you're getting all that you want. I'M NOT SAYING that in a relationship ur boyfriend isn't supposed to give you want you want, BUT when it just all depends on what you want and he doesn't give much of anything else, thats when its a problem.... and I'm NOT saying this doesn't work both ways...definitely not saying that, but I'm just speaking for the ladies right now.