Monday, September 28, 2009


Since I see ppl going hard on this stop the violence on twitter i thought i'd make a blog about it. I haven't had any personal experience with violence, no one i knew personally was killed, but i feel for the ppl who had to go through it and i have something to say.....IN MY OPINION.....i feel that all this violence is happening between young men bcuz of these FAKE-WHACK A** GANGS that are made!! Gangs are just STUPID &&it shows does being in a gang make u feel?...tough?? NO UR LAME!! No disrespect to the one's who are in a gang, but hear me out...this also goes toward the whack "gangs" that are made up over night in the suburbs..or even the city...STOP IT...ya'll like 15, 16 years old talkn about how you'll shoot someone, always wantin to fight...FOR WHAT!? doesn't it scare yall when ur bestfriend gets killed..u dont stop and think u could be next if you dont stop? I'm sorry but if i had a little brother...if he had to be a lame, that's what he would be...atleast he would get somewhere in life or live to see 21..or even 19!! Whyyy do you guys think shooting someone will prove a point?! There is no point to be proven after they are just took someone's LIFE!! Put yourself in their families position....and if you have no remorse, that's sad and i pray for you! I mean, everyone doesn't grow up in a nice environment, understandable, but i wish this generation would just open his or her eyes and realize every one is dying and they can do something about it!! If ur reading this and you..a friend..cousin..etc are involved in everyday violence, PLEASE talk to them...they may not listen or act like they're not listening..but they'll get something out of it...all this needs to stop, seriously! Too many kids/teens are getting killed it should have never came to this.....if you have any comments post below i would love to read em...THANKS =)